Art for the moment and trees for the generations of the future

Tree Circle takes inspiration from Scandinavian oak mounds, Irish fairy forts, and the giant redwood circles in California - living temples.

Humanity have always lived in symbiosis with the plant world. We support each other and feed off each other. Our role in planting, tending, and protecting trees for the benefit of all, is an art that in many modern societies have been forgotten.

The work continues.

Our vision is to raise awareness of our role of tending forests while making spaces available for communities to come together under the sun and stars - supporting nature while creating space for transformational experiences.

Collaborating with communities across the globe, we will together with land guardians, arborists, local residents, blockchain developers and artists, map out and make long term plans to plant and maintain tree circles of local species. We are currently working with three non for profit organisations located in Sweden, UK, and the US. The plan includes further to protect and aid the living conditions of elder trees, already centuries old.

We would love to collaborate with you.

Photo by Alex Mora

Ancient tree circle in Big Sur. Photo by Lee 'Tree' Klinger